
Showing posts from February, 2021

Richard Avedon's quote

  "The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into a photograph, it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth."   -Richard Avendon There is a saying that a photo is worth a million words. It's more like you can use a million words to describe a photograph. Photography is a great tool for communication but depends heavenly on the viewers perceptions. Unlike new articles or programs there is usually  not a lot of background information along with images. The information is probably accessible but the likelihood of a viewer searching for it is fairly low. The photography of President Bush in New York city will remind people of the tragedy of nine eleven. But if I showed that photo to a middle schooler it's likely they’ll believe it to be someone working on a construction site. People have the ability to interpret photos in many ways. The viewers perspective influen

Wrong upload-Profile Project


Presidential Photos

Teddy Roosevelt Photography is able to capture a moment in time but often does not provide much context. Photos can lose their meaning and impact when the entire picture is not clear. At first glance this photo appears to feature Teddy Roosevelt in the wilderness with another man.  Which is not a strange sight for the naturalistic President. But the importance of this moment is not made clear. This was not a casual trip for the President. He was invited to a three day camping trip by the environmental philosopher John Miur. This event would later be referred to as the camping trip that  changed the nation. Miur persuaded the President to attend this trip to discuss conservation issues. Some people wanted to develop the land and use its resources for mankind. Teddy Roosevelt added Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Grove ( the two areas they traveled through) to the Yosemite National park due to his experiences during this trip. Making the land under federal protection. Most of the

In Plato’s Cave-Susan Sontag

There is a great relationship between Plato’s writing Allegory of the cave and photography. I always saw photography as a way to share your perspective. The prisoners in Plato’s tale only know their life in the cave. Their understanding of the world is confined and they are not able to see the world for what it is. Photography allows people to escape their own cave’s. Sontag writes, “To photograph is to appropriate the thing photographed. It means putting oneself into a certain relation to the world that feels like knowledge—and, therefore, like power. ”(2). The ability to learn and share through photography was a part of its popularity. Photography allows people to visualise history. It creates windows into other people's lives. Other people's emotions. Photos can connect people.    The facet of illusion was another major aspect of Plato’s writing. It’s hard to not be deceived with our technological heavy world. Sontag writes, “ In deciding how a picture should look, in prefer